Hello everybody! Right get ready for it, i'm gonna get all cute and soppy now. I've spent my sunday brainstorming with myself, thinking 'what can I do for a blog post today?' 'has anything happened?' blah blah blah. Then I took one look at my collage bedroom wall (which I really need to post a picture of) and decided, why don't I just write about what I know? About how much I bloody love my girls!!
I have so many friends and people in my life that I love and adore, But the main 8 that stick out. This is for you.
Elkie Shannon
Dani Robyn. :-) I'll start from the bottom up, just to be awkward:) Right Robyn.
Our Robino,
Honestly one of the greatest girls I have ever met. I literally jumped on her first day of college and we haven't looked back hahaha. Rob is one of my favourite galpals because she is just so pure. She's just such an amazing human, that friend that shouts at you when you've done something stupid then apologises and only does it cause she loves you, hahahah that's Rob. She's my go to help my problems source too. Haven't seen her in ages with our jobs and uni:-( BUT ROBINO.. I BLOODY LOVE YA KID!

Who's next.. Dani! My favourite little ray of sunshine. I first met Dani because of my best friend Ellie, because she lives in student accommodation and Dani lives in her building! So I met her at one of the very first flat parties (trust me, we've had so many) and I remember her just being such a sweetheart. We got on instantly. And our friendship has grew and grew and I now see Dani as one of my best friends. The one who can make me laugh any time any day. Just a bloody beautiful human. LOVE YOU DANI!! :-)

Shannon. rrrr my gal Shan. Channelling Janis & Damien from mean Girls, 'WE ARE THE GREATEST PEOPLE YOU WILL EVER MEET'' I met Shan in September for our first day of uni, and now I couldn't imagine a day with her!! One of the warmest, kind hearted girls I've ever met. My little calm down machine!!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH SHAN!

Elkie. God my little day oner. And when I say day one I mean literally day one, cue throwback picture..
The truth is, we still look the same and so do our mums hahaha. We lived in the streets next to each other and soon me, her, Nikita and Amee became inseparable. Nursery. Primary School. Secondary School. Present. Talking a good 20 years, and I still can't bloody rid of her. I cherish Elk so much because not only is she one of my best friends, she's one of the most caring people ever. And she's a mum. She made all of us an auntie before our siblings!! So I thank her for our baby SJ too. I just love you kiddo, and I have no idea what I'd do without you. My little dance partner.

Right, Quick tea break......
KITKAT!! Rrr it's hard not to love Nikita yeno. She again is one of my oldest bestest friends. One of the first to always laugh at my jokes, always wants to be involved with everything, so you know she's always there. First on the dancefloor and loves a playsuit, and 99% of the time she lets me pick them so there two of my favourite qualities about her. I just love how you always make me laugh Kiwi. You're so amazing. LOVE YOU.

Lozza. My ginger soul sister. My fellow musketeer. One of the funniest people I have ever met, seriously, nothing makes me quite as happy as your laugh and your Caito Potatoe impression. The first time I met Lauren, i was quite scary but we won't dwell on that, because the next time we met, it involved quad vods and an Alesha Dixon song. We became besties instantly. Such a genuine person. Could trust you with anything and always value your advice, P.S CAN'T WAIT TO SPEND A MONTH WITH YOU AND ELL TRAVELLING EUROPE!! LOVE YOU SO MUCH.

AH. HYNESY. ONE OF MY FAVOURITE PEOPLE EVER.. My go to gal. 20 years of friendship and we just get stronger year by year. No breaking us is there kid? I could be sat in a box with AH and we would have an absolute scream, never ever stop laughing when were together. 'What's your occupation? Full Time legger' MY FELLOW BINGO VETERAN. God the memories we have. Plus having Amee as my mate, I always have someone to go and watch the footy with hahaha.
Couldn't love someone more AH. ABSOLUTE DREAM.

AND FINALLY FOR THE MAIN EVENT.. MY TWIN. THE ABSOLUTE LIGHT OF MY LIGHT OF MY LIFE, MY BEST FRIEND ELLIE. :-) Were pushing 15 years of best friendness and honestly I couldn't imagine a day without her, let alone life!! One of the smartest, funniest people ever. So proud of you all the time too. I thank you everyday for our matching best friend necklaces, the only piece of jewellery I wear. OUR LED ELLIE D!! My partner in crime, all my favourite memories include you darling, and I can't wait to make a lot more with you. NEXT STOP EUROPE, can't wait to sing to you in a gondola hahahah. LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH.